Personal Summary

As I baked Christmas cookies with my mom and spent days celebrating with delicious meals and a few too many cans of pop, I couldn’t be happier to know that starting January 5 I was going to be taking “gym” again.

I’ve been dying to find a workout routine that works for what I consider my crazy life and me. I feel like I’m always going and I never have time to stop and treat my body the way it deserves to be treated. I’m not in the same shape I was when I was an athlete in high school. One of my deepest desires is to just be healthy and strong again.

Do I love the way I look when I look into a mirror? No. I haven’t for a long time. God created me to be beautiful and my boyfriend and friends remind me of that often, but I don’t see beauty when I look into the mirror. I see what things I can change. Sometimes, I see what they see, but it’s rare. It’s getting better thought because I am on my way to loving myself again. I know I can lose a few pounds here and there and I plan to. I even have my goal clothes; the ones I want to fit into once I achieve my weight loss. The hardest part for me was finding the motivation to do the work.

The second day of class was like a heaven sent for me. Kickboxing, it sounded like so much fun and I honestly couldn’t wait. I’ll probably look into a class because I had that much fun. Plus, I often feel like I’m too competitive to do things like yoga. I need a way to take out my aggression and yoga is just too relaxing. Plus, I really want to own a pair of boxing gloves and have a reason to use them.

I also really enjoyed the kettlebell workout. I plan on going out and buying one because it is something that I can do in my room to get my heart rate up and build strength. I was so sore after that workout, my muscles were screaming at me, but it felt so good to know that I was doing something right for my body. I may have had a hard time walking the next day, but it was worth it, so worth it.

Working out everyday has given me a new lease on life. I have now realized that I’m worth the time. Getting up off the couch always seemed harder in my mind than it really was. I can take a book and work out on the stationary bike for an hour, accomplishing both homework and a workout. It’s small changes like these that are going to help me accomplish my weight loss goals and improve my overall lifestyle.

I’ve been implementing nutrition changes since two summers ago. I watch what I eat and try really hard to avoid the things that I know are bad for me. I know that it’s okay to enjoy ice cream and chocolate, in moderation. I know how many calories I need and I know I shouldn’t be wasting half my allotted calories on sugary beverages. I’ve learned that I can enjoy good food, exercise and just be a happier person in general.

I can understand why people would dread coming to this class. It’s not easy to face the honest truth about how you treat your body. I have had the knowledge about what I need to do to stay in shape for a long time, but I chose to ignore it once I got to college.

Now, I know I can’t ignore myself. School is important. Work is important. God is important. But, my life is important, too. I can’t afford to sit on the couch for another minute, I have to get up and do something. This class helped put everything about my life into perspective. I may have dreaded it, but now I’m on track to a healthier lifestyle and a healthier, stronger me. For that, I can’t be more grateful.