Personal Mission Statement

My security is in Christ Jesus who is my ultimate strength.

He may put me through trials and tribulations, but

Through everything that He challenges me with

He will be glorified.

I see His miraculous works in the actions of all people in my life;

the people I look up to as mentors, my family, my friends & my peers.

God will always be NUMBER ONE.

I will search for Him always

 in prayer and

in spending time in His Word.

Next will be all the people that I encounter,

& I will care about my own desires last.

I am a

Daughter, student,

Girlfriend, friend,

Sister, Role Model,

Athlete & Granddaughter.

It is through these roles that I will try to become more like Christ.

I will work in Journalism and use the written word to spread His Kingdom.

A man of God will be able to call me his loving, supportive wife.

My children will know the importance of fearing, loving, and knowing God.

My journey through life is far from over

and everyday is a new

adventure with Christ.