Hello Letter

Our fearless leader, Brianna, is leaving the power of “The Pulse” in our hands. We’re Haley Taylor, the editor-in-chief, and Megan Filipowski, the managing editor, and we are looking forward to sharing our journey with you, our faithful readers.

There seem to be rumors circulating that the use of newspaper has become obsolete, but to us, “The Pulse” is an important aspect of communication on campus. It’s the place where you can find what people are thinking, how they are feeling, a good laugh or even the scores from the latest game. We’d like to think of “The Pulse” as the heartbeat of campus. Everything you want to know you can find here, in print, or, for all of you social media addicts, on the web.

As we transition from writers to editors we are met with excitement and slight trepidation as we realize the difference between the two. We’re no longer just part of the staff; we’re running the show. We look forward to the insanity that will ensue over the course of the next semester. The late nights we spend in the Production Lab will be full of laughter and fun as we focus on bringing the news to you.

This paper is not about us. It’s about you and how we can inform you of everything that is going on around campus and in the Spring Arbor area. We know each issue may not go as perfectly as we plan, but we’re human. Mistakes happen. Take them gracefully and let us know what you think.

You are our audience and we want your feedback. Some may say we don’t have a huge audience. Some even complain about this publication. The beauty of that is you have an opinion, and we want to hear it. Whether it is about design, content or photos and whether it’s good or bad, bring it on. We’re here for you. Our Facebook inbox, Twitter feed and e-mail addresses are open to your thoughts.

We pray that with each new edition of “The Pulse,” you pick up a copy and read it. And then when you’ve read cover to cover you can make into a hat, frame it, stalk your crush with it and sleep with it.

Until we meet again in the newspaper world,

Haley Taylor and Megan Filipowski