Dodge this

NOVI, Mich. ¾ Thirty-seven teams “dodged, ducked, dipped, dived and dodged” on Mar. 5.

Oak Pointe Church’s high school youth group, 707, held their third annual Detroit Cup Dodgeball Tournament, a fundraiser for their summer mission trip to downtown Detroit.

The tournament is a chance for the youth group to raise money that they can use for their supplies at the vocational Bible school and work projects that they will be doing throughout their time in Detroit.

There were 32 men’s and five women’s teams that competed. The winning men’s team was Final Justice and the winning women’s team was the Femme Fatales.

This tournament was supposed to be apart of the re-launch of the Detroit Sports Club’s statewide dodgeball tour, but according to participant Perry Dunlap these plans fell through.

“The tournament was a chance for people to have fun and be competitive and serious at the same time,” said Randy Taylor. “The bonus was that all the proceeds went to a good cause.”

When people hear the term dodgeball some minds think of the comedic movie starring Vince Vaughan and Ben Stiller, but for the people that participant in the tournament they think of an opportunity to raise money for a summer mission trip.