After Christmas Shopping

Howdy Cougars! I hope that you all got everything that you wanted for Christmas. I did!!

This is the first Christmas in awhile where I haven’t gotten some kind of electronic device and I must say that it is quite fun. The past few years I’ve gotten a new cell phone or a new iPod and when that happens I get so immersed in the new device that I lose spending time with my family. It’s like I’m there, but not really there.

Instead, I asked for a few new “needed” items like a pair of tennis shoes and some new movies. I needed some new flicks to watch when I take my study breaks. The funny thing about the movies I asked for was that they were all cartoons. I love being able to watch cartoons; they’re a favorite of mine.

The other thing that I got for Christmas was lots of money. I haven’t gone clothes shopping in a long time. I pretty much got a new wardrobe. It was that overdue. However, even though I needed the clothes, watching the money disappear made me stress out. I was at the counter almost sweating because that was how stressed I was. There were so many other things that were coming to my mind that I could have spent the money.

It’s all over now and I love some of the new clothes that I’ve gotten. My favorite is definitely the new Superman sweatshirt that I got for a great deal. That’s the benefit about after Christmas shopping, more bang for your buck.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation! It’s going to be ending soon and before you know it you’ll be back on campus, studying again.

Catch ya later, Cougs!