Thank you so much for picking up the forest two issues. It means more to me than you know.
I have a few things I want to share with you. First, I would like to apologize to Professor Dorie Shelby and the students involved in the East Lansing Film Festival for the misprint of their article title in the last issue. The title has been corrected at a month on Wednesday nights, “The Pulse” staff gathers in the COM Suite in Sayre Decan Hall where we put the entire paper together. Stories are on their last drafts. Pictures are edited and placed. Each page is designed with you in mind. With that being said, our nights are long (it’s been 4:30 a.m. before I’ve gone to bed) and some errors, like that of the wrong headline above, manage to fall through the cracks. I hope that you can be understanding and not too critical of these mistakes. We’re just trying to get the news to you as best as we can, and we learn more about who to do so with every issue we print.
Second, at the beginning of November, I was given the opportunity to attend a college media conference in Chicago with a few staff members of “The Pulse.” At the conference, we learned a lot about how to be an effective paper. We spent three days with students and advisers from other collegiate newspapers as well as top media professionals from around the country. There is nothing like knowing that our staff of about 12 members is completing against schools like Penn State University with a staff of 175 member and a semester-long training program.
A few more changes are likely to occur over the course of the year. You may have noticed we’ve changed the font we use for the title. The style is still the same, but we wanted something new. Also, we’re adding a social media manager position. This staff member will be dedicated to interacting with you online through our Facebook page, Twitter feed and website. We also are implementing new stories and series ideas. For example, the first in our series about professors’ offices is included in this issue.
I would love it if you, dear readers, were active with “The Pulse.” Send story ideas, feedback or pieces you’ve written to me at These pieces cannot be submitted or printed anonymously. I cannot guarantee that everything submitted will be published, but we will look at each piece, and if we publish yours, credit you as a guest writer.
“The Pulse” is the student publication of Spring Arbor University, and you make up that community. I encourage you to be active in what we print and how we’re doing with getting the news to you.
Thank you,
Megan Filipowski